Unmanned Systems Technology 019 | Navya Autonom Cab | Batteries | UGVs Insight | UAV Factory UAV28-EFI | Swiss Aerobotics Hummel | UMEX 2018 report | Antennas | Oceanology International 2018 report
90 Focus | Antenna systems April/May 2018 | Unmanned Systems Technology AUSTRIA PIDSO +43 125 24189 www.pidso.com BELGIUM Septentrio +32 16 30 08 00 www.septentrio.com CANADA NovAtel +1 403 295 4500 www.novatel.com Tallysman +1 613 591 3131 www.tallysman.com CHINA Harxon Corporation +86 755 2698 9948 www.harxon.com Tersus GNSS +86 215 0803 061 www.tersus-gnss.com FRANCE DelAir-Tech +33 582 954 406 www.delair-tech.com INDIA Antenna Experts +91 99100 35738 www.antennaexperts.in Verdant Telemetry & Antenna Systems +91 48426 63104 www.verdanttelemetry.com ISRAEL Controp +972 9744 0661 www.controp.com SPAIN UAV Navigation +34 91 657 2723 www.uavnavigation.com UK BAE Systems +44 (0)1483 816000 www.baesystems.com Cobham Antenna Systems +44 (0)1638 731888 www.cobham.com Cooper Antennas +44 (0)1628 482360 www.cooperantennas.com Innovelec +44 (0)1442 573035 www.innovelec.co.uk MobileMark Antenna Solutions +44 (0)1543 459555 www.mobilemark.com Renair +44 (0)208 965 3001 www.renair.co.uk USA Antcom Corporation +1 310 782 1076 www.antcom.com Antenna Research +1 301 937 8888 www.ara-inc.com Ball Aerospace Technologies +1 303 939 6100 www.ballaerospace.com Broadcast Microwave Services +1 858 391 3050 www.bms-inc.com CPI Malibu Division +1 805 383 1829 www.cpii.com Haigh-Farr +1 603 644 6170 www.haigh-farr.com MarcusUAV +1 253 310 5470 www.marcusuav.com Maxtena +1 877 629 8362 www.maxtena.com MobileMark Antenna Solutions +1 847 671 6690 www.mobilemark.com MP Antenna +1 440 387 5968 www.mpantenna.com Mwave +1 207 892 0011 www.mwavellc.com Orban Microwave +1 321 200 0080 www.orbanmicrowave.com Optisys +1 801 664 5595 www.optisys.tech Persistent Systems +1 212 561 5895 www.persistentsystems.com Pharad/Octane Wireless +1 410 590 3333 www.pharad.com Rotating Precision Mechanisms +1 818 349 8680 www.rpm-psi.com Southwest Antennas +1 858 252 2702 www.southwestantennas.com SpecUAV - www.specuav.com Star-H +1 814 237 3300 www.star-h.com Swift Navigation +1 925 330 6150 www.swiftnav.com Troll Systems +1 661 702 8900 www.trollsystems.com UB Corp +1 813 884 1463 www.ubcorp.com Venti Group +1 949 264 3185 www.ventigroup.com Some examples of antenna systems manufacturers and suppliers
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