Unmanned Systems Technology 024 | Wingcopter 178 l 5G focus l UUVs insight l CES report l Stromkind KAT l Intelligent Energy fuel cell l Earthsense TerraSentia l Connectors focus l Advanced Engineering report

30 Assembly in the field The vehicle can be disassembled into a few major modules and packed in a single light but still robust transport case with rollers, which will fit into a medium- sized car. It requires only a few minutes for assembly on site. The first step is removing the fuselage with skids and nose, inner wings and payload from the box, and rest it on the ground. The next task is to insert the twin booms complete with the inverted V-tail they support into receptacles at the rear of the fuselage/wing centre body. A CFRP rod is then inserted into each inner wing, onto which slide the swivel arms with the motors and propellers at each end. Then the propulsion modules have to be lined up with the power and data connectors, and secured with an Allen screw. Lastly, the outer wing panels are slid over the remaining exposed portion of each rod and secured. Take-off and landing are completely autonomous. Even if the wind changes, the autopilot will turn the 178 HL to face the wind as soon as it lifts into the hover. The approach to landing consists of an initial approach in fixed-wing mode and a retransition to the hover and a vertical descent, with the descent rate reduced significantly at 20 m above the ground to allow for the maximum expected deviation of the GPS in the z axis. Once the UAV touches the ground it turns off the motors. Payload integration With around 30 litres of payload volume in the pod below the fuselage and facilities for up to three different payloads at once, there are several options for physical integration. Small cameras can be mounted in the nose, while larger mapping cameras and additional equipment such as a PPK module can be placed in the payload area in the fuselage’s rear compartment. Larger payloads such as a Lidar sensor or a package delivery box can February/March 2019 | Unmanned Systems Technology Dossier | Wingcopter 178 UAV Before Mount Etna’s eruption in early 2019, the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research in Kiel, Germany, conducted a one-week mapping project at its summit. It used its two 178 HLs to document topographic changes on the mountain and to monitor volcanic activity using thermal camera sensors. Its work has two aims – to advance the basic research on volcanoes, and assessing their hazard potential as a proactive measure for disaster management. For topographic mapping, a Sony Alpha 7 R II and a KLAU PPK were integrated into the rear payload compartment. Supported by the payload adapter and housed in an aerodynamic single-axis gimbal below the fuselage, a Workswell WIRIS 2 thermal camera was used for infrared surveys of volcanic venting. The camera’s lateral angle was adjusted on the fly to stay perpendicular to the mountain’s slope. The WIRIS 2 camera has an operating temperature range of -50 to up to +1500 C, at a sensitivity of up to 30 mK. Wingcopter staff joined the mapping campaign to pilot the premier deployment of Phase One’s IXM-100 medium-format survey camera on one of the 178 HLs. The high altitude had no significant impact on any of the flights. According to the volcanologists, “Even at around 3100 m above sea level, the system managed its vertical take-off and landing – and the transition – just as smoothly as always.” Mapping Mount Etna One of two 178 HLs operated by the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research used for Mount Etna project (Courtesy of Wingcopter) Wingcopters are transported in this box, which fits into a small car and can be assembled on site in a few minutes (Courtesy of Wingcopter)