Unmanned Systems Technology 026 I Tecdron TC800-FF I Propellers I USVs I AUVSI 2019 part 1 I Robby Moto UAVE I Singular Aircraft FlyOx I Teledyne SeaRaptor I Simulation & Testing I Ocean Business 2019 report

Impossible Aerospace’s systems, we learned a lot about the safety aspects and other requirements of working in the emergency services sector. It has ramifications on the specifics of how the vehicle should behave, the ways in which missions need to be planned, and what constitutes desirable failsafe behaviour,” Meier noted. General Electric’s autonomous avionics hardware platform is also due to use Auterion’s software. That GE system will be provided for aircraft in a range of commercial and government projects, and Auterion will provide ongoing support in terms of firmware updates, software maintenance and cyber security to both GE and Impossible Aerospace. TaiSync attended the show to display its newest data link products, the latest of which is its line of ViuLinx wireless modules, which have been designed with Ethernet, HDMI and USB functionality. “It is a video, telemetry and RC combination link, and has an HDMI input on the aircraft-side unit and one for the ground unit, with a USB interface for the ground unit as well,” said Yan Li. “Telemetry is communicated through a UART interface, and remote operation occurs by PPM or S-bus interface. The system is designed to be integrated with the PX4 autopilot ecosystem, so it’s available with the QGroundControl software for GCSs. “We also support Ethernet interfacing, including one input for the air unit and one for the ground unit,” he said. The ViuLinx air unit measures 77.8 x 47.3 x 23.5 mm, and weighs 97 g. The ground unit is 130 x 90 x 28.5 mm in size, but the weight has not yet given. Auterion’s Enterprise PX4 software is now available on Impossible Aerospace’s US-1 UAV