Unmanned Systems Technology 027 l Hummingbird XRP l Gimbals l UAVs insight l AUVSI report part 2 l O’Neill Power Systems NorEaster l Kratos Defense ATMA l Performance Monitoring l Kongsberg Maritime Sounder
A new concept of drone reaches the market. Singular Aircraft, based in Barcelona, Malta, Mexico & Morocco, releases the first amphibian RPA (Remotely Piloted Aircraft) to the market, equipped with a twin engine, with capabilities to land and take off on unpaved runways and on water, ice and on snow, both at day or at night. Its adaptation to any environment is absolute, while being also the most affordable in its sector and fully customizable to any client’s needs. From Singular Aircraft we wanted to bring a versatile UAV to the market, that reduces significantly the cost of acquisition and the costs of maintenance; and finally we got it. 1600Kg payload Over 24 hours endurance
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