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CubePilot ecosystem ARDUBEE Open Source Platform Introducing ArduBee, a lightweight modular platform developed by CubePilot. Based on Ardupilot firmware and powerful HT MCU flight controller, it is capable of multiple applications. Dry ArduBee is the ideal platform for education, research, and many other applications, including swarming drone shows. It can be fitted with custom frame types: foyer, boat, planes, a the Limits are only your Imagination. Meant for those who are keen to explore the held of aerial or surface applications. And, explore the fields of STEM with robust open-source toots and knowledge base. MCU:5TM32H7ST ESC: AM32 IMU: ICM42688-POCM20948 COMPASS: ICM20948 BAROMETER: 0P5310 BATTERY: 1 or 21.i.ion 18650 WIFI: ESP32 FLOW: PAW3903 TOF LIDAR:VLS31.1 GPS:u.blox M10 CAMERA: OV2640 (2Mpixel), Video mjpg EXTERNAL CONNECTIONS: USB, 3.3V Power Supply, SY Power Supply, 2xPWM/SERVO, 2x Senal,2xCAN,Lx SPI, 1x I2C Cubepilot ARDUBEE Copyright 2022 Cubepilot Australia. All Rights Reserved. Introducing ArduBee, a lightweight modular platform developed by CubePilot. Based on Ardupilot firmware and powerful H7 MCU flight controller, it is capable of multiple applications. Tiny ArduBee is the ideal platform for education, research, and many other applications, including swarming drone shows. It can be fitted with custom frame types: rover, boats, planes, copters, the limits are only your imagination. Meant for those who are keen to explore the field of aerial or surface applications. And, explore the fields of STEM with robust open-source tools and knowledge base. Open Source Platform MCU: STM32H757 ESC: AM32 IMU: ICM42688-P+ICM20948 COMPASS: ICM20948 BAROMETER: DPS310 BATTERY: 1 or 2 Li-ion 18650 WIFI: ESP32 FLOW: PAW3903 TOF LIDAR: VL53L1 GPS: u-blox M10 CAMERA: OV2640 (2Mpixel), Video mjpg EXTERNAL CONNECTIONS: USB, 3.3V Power Supply, 5V Power Supply, 2xPWM/SERVO, 2x Serial, 2x CAN, 1x SPI, 1x I2C
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